Sunday, May 18, 2014

Do Prayers Really Work?

Have you been experiencing so many trials lately? Trials you could never imagine how to overcome?  Trials that come and never leave? Well, most of the times we feel like our burdens are even more than the blessings that we receive. Let me ask you a couple of question. What is the first thing you do when you feel like giving up? Running away? Blaming others? Or Praying? Well, some people might choose praying as their last option instead of choosing and doing it as their first act once they encounter light or heavy problems.

For some people, prayers are for hopeless people. Prayers are useless. Sometimes we have reached the point where we come to the thinking: Does God really hears my prayers? But then why is He still remaining silent? Without giving me a sign? And sometimes we come to the point where we ask: Does God really exists?
First and foremost, I wanted to tell you that never doubt about the existence of God. He exists! He is alive! He hears us all. But then why are there times He remains silent? Or why do things do not happen the way we want them to? It’s because maybe they weren't really meant for us or it wasn't the right time for those things to happen. God doesn't leave us. He is our Father, remember? He loves us more than we deserve. 

Every problems and setbacks that we have, never forget that God is working on it. We just have to turn and ask to Him. Jesus said that, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you." ~Matthew 7:7 Well some of you may ask, then why are there unanswered prayers? It’s because of our sins. We continue from sinning and yet we assume that God will listen to it and fulfills the wishes that we have, right? Sounds delusional. God isn't a genie. Let's imagine God as our earthly father. Assume that you did something wrong to your parents, like having so many failing grades for a couple of grading periods. And you asked your parents to buy you a new phone or iPod. Do you think they will? Of course not, not unless you already have asked their forgiveness or you started doing something to correct the mistakes that you've done to prove them that you are now even more responsible than before. Just like God, He wants us to confess and repent to our sins and to stop from sinning anymore before He gives us what we have been asking for. 

In order for prayers to work, first of all check our motives why are we asking God for that. We need to pray with sincerity and purity. We do not need to be holy in order just to pray. We can talk to God as a friend, like the way we talk to our best friend. Even at the most random times, we could talk to Him. Always put in mind that we do not pray just because we need something or what. We pray because there are so much to thank God for. Even the moment you woke up this morning. We need to thank God for that. We make God happy whenever we talk to Him. Go talk to Him as often as you can in order to build a stronger relationship with Him. Because a relationship with God is the best thing that we can ever have. God's love is infinite. God will give us everything we ask for and sometimes, even more than what we ask for. Never doubt the existence of God. Sometimes, we do not understand why we are experiencing these stressful things in life. But always put in mind, God is always bigger than anything. Let's focus on the positive side. Don't let these setbacks brag you back; they are just tests on how faithful we are to Him. And these setbacks are the one that strengthens our faith and relationship with God. And prayers are our most powerful weapon we can ever have. 

There are 3 ways how God answers our prayers:
1. You are going to keep your trial (Read: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10)
This doesn't mean that God doesn't care about you. He just wanted you to be dependent on Him and trust and have faith on Him. Like what God answered to Apostle Paul. "My grace is sufficient for you; My strength is made perfect in weakness."

2. I am going to grant you the desires of your heart (Read: Genesis 32:23-34)
Keep on asking God. He might not give you what you want instantly but God will grant it to you at the most perfect time.

3. I Love you, but no (Read: 2 Sam 12)
There are things that are not really meant for us. But this doesn't mean that God doesn't love us because He will give us what we deserve more. Things you could never imagine that will be granted to you by God. He will give us the things more than what we are expecting to have. Just look on the positive side and always believe that God has a greater plan for you.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Moment When I Knew God

I grew up in an environment where there is no love, no peace, and no unity. I never called it home. It was a place where the usual scenarios were always arguments. Back when I was eight, I remembered my dad hurting my mom. I always see my mom crying, and alone. Seeing my mom cry, is the thing I hated the most. I wanted to protect her but I cannot. Besides, I am just a little girl. What can I do? 

I grew with a cold-heart. People always think that I don't care. Even when I see my mom hurt. I never did anything but to lock in my own room. Every time she asks me for my help, all I did was to scold her. But the truth is, I was breaking inside and I don't want her to see that, so I stay away. Because of this, I become used to it. I become used to staying away from people for them not to see what's really inside me, and as long as I can avoid, I never let myself to be close with anyone because I'm afraid they might hurt me like what my dad did to my mom. I am afraid of being rejected.

As years pass by, I realized, there isn't something worth living for. Like not living for a purpose. I returned to God, and asked Him to strengthen me, and to give me faith like what Abraham, Moses, and David has. Then after praying, I opened a book called "Our Daily Bread". That moment when I opened a random page on that book, it was the first time I felt and knew that God heard and answered my prayers. All the things I should do to strengthen my faith and to have a faith like Abraham's, Moses', and David's were all in there. Honestly, I can’t believe it. It was like a matter of seconds when God answered my prayers. I can't do anything but to shed tears. I was tearing with joy.

The day after that, I promised to God to have a daily devotion every night. And to always pray to Him every night. I even go to the church every Sunday with the whole family, and listens to what the Pastor will say to feed us spiritually. It was a couple of weeks then, when I realized, we've changed a lot. Individually, the atmosphere of the house, how we treat each others, I even see my mom and dad happily loving each other like sweet young couples. Finally, I can feel love and peace. And it was all because we accepted God and Jesus wholeheartedly. And Jesus is Peace and God is love. So They are the reason why we feel love and peace now. 

Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, thank You for everything. Thank You for opening my heart to let You come in. Thank You for changing us for the better. And I am very willing to serve you. I am very willing to be an instrument to spread Your words with other people. Thank You for your grace and mercy. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for bringing us the light and putting us on the right path. I love you.